This week I met the modest fundraising goal I set for my run in Boston. Of course, that doesn't mean I'm done or will stop raising money for this cause. Every drop in the bucket counts and I am happy to help fill this bucket. Every single dollar is needed and will be used to help beat Duchenne. If you have donated "Thank You," your generosity continues PPMD's mission to improve "the treatment, quality of life, and long-term outlook for all individuals affected by Duchenne through research, advocacy, education and compassion." If you are thinking about supporting us the time is now. Here's the link, and Thank You!

Fundraising wasn't my only goal. I also hoped to further awareness about Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. Results for this goal are not as easily measured. This week I was featured in the Melrose Patch and the article turned out to be the top story of the week. Judging by the number of Facebook shares for the article I think people are paying attention. Via a few other channels the word has gotten out and I've watched the traffic to this blog grow. I hope this continues.
It may not have been obvious but I also hoped to inspire those of you who can run, to run for those who can't...Run!
Run for our Sons is signing up runners for races of all sizes and distances. If a marathon's been on your "bucket list" or you want to give greater meaning to your running, the time is now. If you've been running, consider joining us at the New York City Marathon in November. Not only is it important, it can be rewarding.
Finally, my sporting goal... That comes tomorrow. At the right you'll see my "pace band." I've got no idea if it makes sense or how much I'll use it. At the minimum it will help me know if I'm on pace or not. As I write this I see the weather conditions are shaping up to be near perfect. I'm confident in my training, I'm rested, and injury free. There's just one thing left to do.