Last June I made a deal with myself. If I could do the work to enable me to run a fast enough marathon to qualify for Boston, I'd register and dedicate my run to charity. You see, no Muscular Dystrophy organizations receive coveted charity entries to Boston. When it comes to running I never seem to take the easy route. If I was going to represent the community I'd have to earn it on our behalf. It's often said that the fight against Duchenne is a race against time so this wasn't something I wanted to do "one day" it was something I needed to do "now!"
When I put forth my fundraising page I had no idea how it would go. To put it mildly, I'm absolutely blown away by the generosity shown by our friends and family over the past month. Every penny raised is important in the fight against Duchenne. For your generosity, THANKS!

A couple running items... Recovery from last week's 16 miler went well. (That's me the left passing the half marathon split running in 12 degree weather.) I took the opportunity to take Monday off and stop my 90 day run streak at 712 miles, or an average of 7.9 miles each day for about a quarter year. This week was a "cut back" of sorts as I ran 59.5 miles capping the month with 286 miles. As I was increasing mileage through January I found myself loosing focus in my training so I've decided to reboot and refocus. Therefore, I've decided follow Pete Pfitzinger's "12/55-70" plan to give me some structure down the final 12 week stretch to Boston. I was successful following his "18/55" plan this summer so I'm confident.
Again, Thanks!
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